Saturday, 3 September 2011

Social Bookmarking For Back Link Building

Social bookmarking is very valuable when it comes to back link building for SEO. Bookmarking is basically marking (tagging) a site for future use. You can bookmark a site and simply click that bookmark to access the site in future. Social bookmarking is somewhat different. Social bookmarking allows you to save your favorite sites on the web itself. For this you can create an account on a social bookmarking site and add your site(s) to it.
                For a realistic view of social bookmarking, visualize the facebook and twitter, because they are also social bookmarking sites.         
Once you have added your site to your social bookmarking account, you can easily share it with your friends, clients or anybody on the internet. Social bookmarking is a great way to increase online exposure. You suggest your site to your online social circle and if someone likes it, he can share it ahead to his social circle thus giving you more online exposure.
Social bookmarking is very widespread and most of the people share their content with their friends through social bookmarking sites. Social bookmarking sites specifically aim at the things you are searching for. Making a search through a search engine may take you to a plethora of information and you may not be able to find exactly what you are looking for. But through social bookmarking sites you can exactly locate your desired thing.
Social bookmarking sites not only give you more online exposure and increase your sales but also end up giving you quality back links. Because of frequent updates, most of the social bookmarking sites have better search engine rankings and linking to them means a high PR quality back link. This trend has resulted in Social Search Engines. As webmasters submit their site by specifying accurate and descriptive title, specific keywords and exact category. Similarly searchers can find out the required info by specifying above parameters that best match their search criteria.
The process of making your site visible on social bookmarking sites is called Social Media Optimization or SMO. SMO has evolved into a great tool for back link building due to the quality of social bookmarking sites and their increased exposure. Also by submitting your site to social bookmarking sites, you not only get targeted traffic but also increase your search engine ranking.
Submission to social bookmarking sites has always been a tiring job but now it’s just fun. Instead of submitting your site to all social bookmarking sites individually, you can use these two great sites.

These sites will allow you to submit your site to top 130 social bookmarking sites with just one click. The best thing is that they are absolutely free. And they don’t contain any auto submission algorithm so it’s not going to result in any search engine penalty.

Friday, 2 September 2011

How To Submit Sitemap For Wordpress

Sitemap is the map of your website. It represents the structure of your site. It gives a pictorial view of all the links on your site. Search engines find it easy to crawl and index the web pages through sitemap. Having proper sitemap submitted to search engines, you are on your way to better SEO and better revenue.
Here I will guide you on how to submit sitemaps to three major search engines, Google, yahoo and Bing for Wordpress bloggers. You can submit sitemap to other search engines the same way.
For Wordpress Bloggers:
                Sitemap for wordpress is submitted by copying “sitemap .xml” file.
The format is:
But sitemap.xml may be the complete path to sitemap.xml file.
For example if your sitemap file resides in wordpress subdirectory then sitemap format may be
The path wordpress/sitemap.xml is actually what you have to submit to search engines.
Submit sitemap to Google:
Go to Google webmaster tools at and sign in with your Gmail id.
Click the add a site button and enter URL of your site.
Then go to site configuration and click sitemap.
At submit sitemap, enter the complete path to sitemap file and click submit.
Submit sitemap to yahoo:
Go to yahoo site explorer at
And sign in with your yahoo, Gmail or Facebook id.
Add your site.
Verify by uploading the html file to root directory.
Under submit your site feed, enter the complete path to sitemap file and click submit.
Submit sitemap to Bing:
Simply paste following URL in your browser’s address bar. 
And replace the "mysite" with the complete URL of your sitemap.
For example if your sitemap resides in wordpress subdirectory then:
 Upon submission you will receive the message:
Thanks for submitting your sitemap.

8 Link Building Strategies For SEO

                  Can you even imagine searching for each site relevant to your niche on internet and linking to it for SEO? So being tactful and strategic is required throughout the SEO process.
Link building has always been a dream for every Search Engine Optimizer (SEO). Having quality back links to your site and having so many of them needs a lot of time and work on your part. Everyone tries and gives his opinion on building quality back links. But going strategically in building links is always worth a fortune.
Here if have come up with a list of link building techniques. You might have come across such a list on some other SEO site as well but what distinguishes this post, are the real tips I share out here.
1. Write Articles:
                                Articles are the most valuable source of quality back links. And if you manage to get your article published with a high ranking site like, what can be better than that? Just write an article related to your website/blog and submit it to an article directory like
  • Always go for some high rank article directory. I prefer ezine. If not published then go to next and so on.
  • Always write articles RELATED to your blog.
  • Don’t forget to include a link back to your site.

2. Submit To Blog Directories:
                                You can submit your blog directories for back links. But don’t keep stuffing your link to every directory. Rather do a bit of search and submit your blog to high PR blog directories. This will save your time yet giving you quality back links.
For more info on blog directory submission, click here.
3. Submit To Social Bookmarking Sites:
                                You can consider submitting your blog to social bookmarking site. But the same rule goes here; go for well known and reliable sites.
For a list of social bookmarking site, click here.
4. Upload Videos:
                                You can make video tutorials about whatever you know and upload it to YouTube, metacafe, flixya or any video sharing site, including  a link to your site in description.
  • Don’t worry if you don’t have a camcorder or if you’re afraid of exposure, you can make a video in movie maker writing simple text and putting animations and get a back link.

5. Distribute Softwares:
                                Distributing free ware softwares is an awesome way to get back links. You can upload softwares including your link in the description.
  • You can give your link in the beginning, middle and end of a subtitles’ file and upload it to a torrent site. Your link will be visible while someone watches the movie with subtitles.

6. Write Guest Blog Posts:
                                You can always write a guest blog post about your niche and offer it to some professional blogger and in return, request for a link to your site.
7. Connect To Bloggers:
                                You can request the bloggers from your niche to write a blog post for you and in return, give them a link and get a link. These bloggers may be your followers or those whom you follow.
8. Use Google Alerts:
                                Google alerts is a great way of increasing back links. You can go to
And sign in with your Gmail id.
You can create alert about your blog and you will get an email as an alert is available.
An alert may be a blog post, video, news or discussion in which you can participate and comment including link to your site.
Alerts are a perfect and automated way of quality back links. Google sends out alerts from high PR sites and thus linking to them will result in quality links.