Monday, 21 November 2011

49 Back Links Free For One Click

Back link building is really a tiresome job. It sucks but it is equally essential for SEO. There are ways and ways to build quality back links but they are all time consuming. They include directory submission, article marketing, social bookmarking site, classified ads, press releases and many more. There are millions and millions of sites for above mentioned categories. Where to find short listed and genuine sites for link building is the question.

Then come softwares promising to submit your link to multiple sites but they usually don’t prove fruitful as they submit to low ranked and unpopular sites.

Then are the paid submissions. You may find a website claiming to give you 1000s of back links for few bucks. You may get those back links, sometimes, but ultimately you will face search engine penalty.

Here comes Onlywire on the scene of automated back link building. It basically contains an algorithm that lets you submit your link to 49 social bookmarking sites for just one click. No no no, wait, these are not ordinary social bookmarking sites, and these include, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Digg, Reddit, Stumbleupon, Delicious etc. Are they ordinary and unpopular?

Also you will have to put in some effort for signing up for each individual social bookmarking site and that’s what makes it legitimate.

How it works?

                Onlywire actually saves your login ids for all of these social bookmarking sites and you are saved from the trouble of logging into each individual site each time and posting your link separately.

You save your login info once and whenever you login to your Onlywire account, you will have the option to post your link to all desired social bookmarking sites from one place for one simple click. That’s how easy it is to build quality back links for increased visibility, exposure and better SEO.

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